There were many adventures on Rosemont Avenue for the Smith and Rogers families!  Many memories of early Saturday morning yard sales.  Diane and I would load all the little ones (David was really little) into her big car and head out to yard sales in our community.  The children would always be excited to find a new "treasure" at each one (toy, book, etc.)  We began to look forward to these adventures each Spring and Summer.  On Saturday nights we might attend a Catholic Church picnic (St. Barnabas).  On Sunday nights we would cookout in our back yards while the children played.

Diane and I learned to make homemade goodies like Easter candies and popcicles from fruit juice or Kool-Aid.  The children looked forward to these treats!   Will and Erica are shown above with a Kool-Aid popcicle!  This was about 1981.


As the children grew older, we always took them to the Kentucky State Fair.  The weather would be so hot so we would load a cooler with drinks and treats and take breaks to go eat lunch there or stop for a drink.  We always covered as much of the fair as we could:  the Animal barns, the Vegetables and Fruits, and of course, "Junk Hall" with all its freebies to sign up for!  David always signed me up for windows and room additions and I would always get calls later! (Ha).  Such wonderful memories.


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