One of the first memories that comes to mind is our roadtrip to Milligan one summer.  It was quite the adventure, with a broken down car in the hills of TN somewhere and an interesting place to sleep that evening.  I spent quite a lot of time with Diane and Will during high school and college, and have been honored to have them as extended family.  I can't thank you enough, Diane, for all that you've done for me throughout my journey.  You know my mom was so blessed by your friendship...thank you for being there for me after she passed.  When you came to visit Andrew and me and our newborn I felt like that was a gift from God, to have someone close to my mom to be there to meet our little girl.  

Praying for you,

Jamie Jit

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  • Will Rogers

    Will Rogers

    That was quite a trip... somehow we figured out how to replace the alternator on the car. Remember that? Good memories, so glad you all made that trip down to visit.