Diane and I met at the telephone company in Shelbyville.  We moved off Grinstead Rd. to an 8 foot wide pink trailer with a pink stove and refrigerator.  We were so poor we thought we could save money by turning off the heat when we left for work.  Little did we know that it was costing us money to warm up the place.  We put up a christmas tree and we bought ornaments with an elf in them.  She gave me one several years later and I put it on my tree every year and remember her.

She had such a will to live and wanted to enjoy her grandchild.  The last time I saw her she wanted me to take her out to lunch.  Her caregiver talked to the office and they wouldn't let her go because she wasn't able.  

We had many laughs and she was so dedicated to her family and friends.


Maxine Royse

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