Diane and I always enjoyed going to the State Fair in August.  We had attended most of the yearly Kentucky State Fairs since the 1980's when the children were small.  In 2014, we decided that we would make an entree to submit to the food category.  We chose biscuits because we felt we could make some good ones.  So, in August of 2015, Diane came to my house and we proceeded to make what we thought would be a blue ribbon winner in the biscuit category.  We chose an elaborate recipe using butter, organic type baking powder and quality ingredients.

Alas, when the biscuits came out of the oven, they were over 2 inches tall.  We thought they were too tall, so we made another, shorter batch from a different recipe.  We should've stuck with the first batch, because they were so good. We took them in and submitted them; they didn't win a ribbon, but we did get an opportunity to purchase a number of state fair tickets for entering the biscuits in the fair!

We always loved the Kentucky State Fair, and Diane always liked the Cotton Candy and never left without it!


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